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About StudyFin
StudyFin restructured in 2021, redefining the concept of a “professional education and immigration consultant aggregator platform” in the market. Today, it has evolved into a comprehensive platform covering the entire ecosystem of international education. Its mission is to lead the international education sector, providing a superior onshore and offshore consumption experience for international students during their studies. StudyFin has received investments from leading regional venture capital firms such as Sapien Ventures.
Investment Reporting

With 24/7 real-time online investment reporting.
Users are able to view their:
– Portfolio Holdings
– Transaction Reporting
– Income reporting
– Performance reporting
Multi-currency Wallet
The StudyFin wallet has bank accounts in each country so that parents can transfer money within their country quickly and easy to the wallet.
StudyFin can then transfer the money quickly and cheaply within the wallet avoiding delays and expensive overseas transaction fees

Biometric information
StudyFin provides a safe and simple onboarding process, with the latest biometric information in line with Australian regulations and AML/KYC requirements.
Transparent & Secure

Parents are able to monitor and control their children’s spending and balance. With live location, as well as access to emergency and other health services.
Our Partners

Venture Capital

Private Equity

Listed Equities

Fixed Income

Foreign Exchange